Our big question for Autumn 2 is...
During our half term of learning we will be finding out the changes from the Bronze to Iron Age. As aspiring Historians, we will continue to develop our historical vocabulary and chronology skills. Our learning will lead us to read the text 'The Boy with the Bronze Axe' by Kathleen Fidler.
This half term we will become history detectives, discovering how the Stone Age progressed into the Bronze and Iron ages and the exciting changes that happened during this period of time.
Have a look at the links below to find out more about what we'll be learning!
Our big question for Spring 1 is...
Would you like to be a pharaoh?
Time to travel back to the land of the Ancient Egyptians!
This half term we will be looking at the Ancient Egyptians and the famous Pharaohs. We are really looking forward to starting our new topic and we are sure a lot of the children already know some super facts about this period of history.
In Spring term 2, we will be answering...
How does your garden grow?
For this half term we will be focusing on a Science lead question which will lead us to becoming gardens and botanists. Our work will focus around how plants grow and we will start to look at the different parts of the plant. You might want to complete some homework which may involve you planting seeds in your garden! We would love to see what you get up to in your garden as we move into the Spring months.
In Summer 1, we will be answering...
For our next Geography based topic we will be looking closely at our own planet, especially the UK, key locations and important sites on it. We cannot wait to get started with this topic and I am sure the children already know some interesting facts about the local area. Bringing in books about our topic is always encouraged and we will be sure to look at these in our reading time. As always, we appreciate any extra research the children do at home and below are a few helpful websites.
All about the UK for Kids - YouTube
In Summer 2, we will be answering...
What's on the menu?
During this half term we will be exploring different foods. We will be tasting food, preparing it and designing our own salads ready for a Summer picnic!
Our big question for Autumn 1 is...
During Autumn 1, we will be looking at the life of Stone Age settlers. Through our learning we will look at what we can learn from the Stone Age people and how their legacy shaped future tribes. Our class text for the half term will be 'StoneAge Boy' by Satoshi Kitamura.
Get ready for an historical journey back to cavemen days where we will discover who lived during these times and what they did to survive.
Here are a few websites connected with this term’s learning: