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Ordsall Primary School


Our Rewards Systems



We all like to be told that we are doing well and, at Ordsall Primary School, we have many ways to say "Well done" to our children, so that they are rewarded for all their efforts. At Ordsall we concentrate on doing better than the day, hour, minute, or even the year before and we know that we can't always get everything right, but to make steps of progress in everything is the way we work and what we like to reward. This means that we reward our children at Ordsall for all sorts of things like; reading at home, practising their spellings, having a go at some homework, their attendance at school, the work that they do in lessons, the way that they are to each other and the adults in our school, if they achieve their target or if they have done something fantastic but most off all we like to reward our children for being the best that they can be. We use stickers, charts, certificates and, most importantly of all, spoken and written praise to show how much we value the efforts of everyone in our school. We love to give a thumbs up and a well done! yes



Team Points


When you move into Year 1 at Ordsall Primary School you are placed into one of our 4 teams. You could be in


   Jupiter                               Saturn                                  Neptune               OR                  Mercury



During the year everyone gets the chance to earn TEAM POINTS for themselves and for their team. Everyone in our school can earn TEAM POINTS by:


  • Being Star of the Week which brings a reward of 3 Team Points
  • Being on the Wall of Success which brings a reward of 3 Team Points

  • Having your planner signed every week by someone at home to tell your teacher that you have Read 3 times, which brings a reward of 1 Team Point

  • Practicing your week’s spellings in your planner which brings a reward of 1 Team Point

  • Doing  your homework and turning it in on TEAMs or by handing it in so then which brings a reward of 1 Team Point


On top of these things there are also different qualities and behaviours that each year group will reward the children for, and these are shared by the teachers with parents and carers and, most importantly, the children. These things may be related to learning behaviours or achievement, they could be for the progress children make or for the presentation of  their work. It could also be for improvement in their work. Children can also earn team points for the way in which children behave in one aspect of our code of conduct or by delivering and demonstrating one, some or more of the Fundamental Values in our school. There are lots of ways and everyone has the chance to do it!


So what happens to all the team points?


All the points that children earn each month are added to each team's tally chart in the classroom so that the children, and their team in class, can all contribute to the team not only in in their class but also across the whole phase.  At the end of every calendar month, we add up all the points to find out how many points each child has earnt. Then we present the children to be rewarded with a GOLD award, a SILVER award, or a BRONZE award.


The GOLD award will be awarded to the boy and the girl who have the highest number of Team Points in their class, and this certificate will be worth 6 ORDSALL POINTS.


The SILVER award will be awarded to the boy and the girl who have the second highest number of Team Points in their class, and this certificate will be worth 4 ORDSALL POINTS.


The BRONZE award will be awarded to the boy and the girl who have the third highest number of Team Points in their class, and this certificate will be worth 2 ORDSALL POINTS.


The ORDSALL POINTS will then be turned into a prize at the end of the year!


The Winning Team


At the end of each month, the points in Phase 2 (Years 1, 2 and 3) are all added together to get a winning team for the phase and a "planet" is added to the scoreboard in the hall. We also find out who has won in each class and the children in that team will receive a reward at the end of that month.


At the end of each month, the points in Phase 3 (Years 4, 5 and 6) are all added together to get a winning team for the phase and a "planet" is added to the scoreboard in the hall. We also find out who has won in each class and the children in that team will receive a reward at the end of that month.


At the end of the year the team with the most "planets" on the board will go on the reward trip which is currently a day out to the seaside to play on the beach, eat ice creams and have a fish and chips dinner. 





Points can also make prizes for individual children, so make sure you keep your certificates


At the end of the year, all of the points from the certificates that the children earn are added up.

Those children who have earnt more than 40 ORDSALL POINTS from their certificates receive a GOLD reward.

Those children who have earnt 30-39 ORDSALL POINTS from their certificates receive a SILVER reward.

Those children who have earnt 20-29 ORDSALL POINTS from their certificates receive a BRONZE reward.


For all the children who saved their certificates in 2021-22 and added up their ORDSALL points at the end of the year their prizes were:


The Bronze Award: £10 voucher for Wonderland Book Shop


The Silver Award: £10 voucher for Wonderland Book Shop, plus attendance at the 'Ordsall Aloha Party'


The Gold Award: £10 voucher for Wonderland Book Shop, attendance at the 'Ordsall Aloha Party', lunch at a local eatery, plus a visit to King's Park

Star of the Week

At Ordsall Primary School we have Stars of the Week and Stars of The Day. Every week we announce our Stars of The Week in assembly so that we share in everyone's success. We ask all our teachers to look closely at the children in their class to see who has shown the qualities that would make them a Star at Ordsall across the week. It could be their:

  • Attitude to their learning and to others
  • Productivity in their learning and their work
  • Behaviour in class or around our school
  • Commitment to their learning and to the ethos of our school
  • Contribution to the class and to the learning of others
  • Effort into everything that they have done because to give 100% is all we ask
  • Achievement in a second, a minute, a day or across the week  


We also look at how the Star qualities we are looking for link to the Fundamental British Values that we learn about every day in school using our special hand and we will give rewards for that too.


When each new week arrives, and we have all aspired to be the best that we can be, we award our special Star of the Week certificates and stickers. Any child who becomes Star of The Week receives a special certificate to go on the wall in our special assembly, their parents/carers will receive a golden text to say that their child has achieved it and "Star Status" earns 3 team points for every star and their team. In our Star of the Week Assembly we finish with a message:



The Wall of Success

The Wall Of Success at Ordsall Primary School reflects the ethos that we have, that "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much". Every week children who have achieved something remarkable are rewarded with a "brick in the wall". This wall then grows from nothing to become a symbol of our collective achievements in that year.  The brick records their name and their achievement and it stays on our Wall of Success for the rest of the year. Parents and carers receive a golden text to say their child is on our wall but we leave it to the children to talk about why they are there and what they did to achieve the status. The brick in our Ordsall Wall brings the child 3 team points which goes to help their team and themselves to achieve the best that they can and be the best that they can be. 



At Ordsall Primary School we all know that attendance matters. Each week the children's attendance is looked at very closely and we reward the classes who have achieved their target for attendance or who have the highest attendance across the week. All classes have an attendance target of 97% because we know that attendance above this level gives you the best chance of success.


At our school we link our attendance rewards with our work on Fundamental British Values and, most specifically, our work on democracy. The class with the highest attendance have to work together to select their reward by discussing ideas about what the reward could be, whether they should take the reward or whether they should "bank it" and then vote and reach a democratic decision about what they do. The reward ladder works like this:

  1. If you get the highest attendance you gain 10 minutes of reward time
  2. If you beat the 96% target you get another 5 minutes added to the 10 minutes
  3. If you achieve 100% then you get another 10 minutes added to the 15 minutes

The children then decide what they do with their total reward. They can use it or bank it and they can bank up to 1 hour of reward time. 

At the end of the year we also reward the children for their attendance by awarding trophies and trips out to recognise their good attendance because we know that better attendance leads to better learning which can lead to a better future.
