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Ordsall Primary School


Treehouse (Breakfast & After School Club)

The wraparound provision at Ordsall Primary School is known as Treehouse and is led and coordinated by our supervisors, Tracy Rollison and Yvonne Johnson, who will be able to answer any questions and enquiries about the provision by contacting the school office.


Breakfast Club


Our breakfast club provision runs from 7.30am to the start of the school day. The cost of the breakfast club is £3.50 per day per child and includes a light breakfast of toast, cereal and juice/water and activities for the children. At the end of the morning session, the children will then be escorted to their classroom to begin their learning for the day.




After School Club


The after school club runs from the end of the school day at 3.15pm until 5.15pm and the cost of the provision is £6.00 per day per child. For children that have not attended before, parents/carers will need to complete a registration form. Although we will make every attempt to ensure there is a place for every child needing to use Treehouse after school, due to staffing ratios, the number of children able to access the club is restricted. It is therefore important to book in advance where possible. The staff at after school club will provide a snack and drink for the children along with a range of activities to help the children relax and unwind after a long day at school. 


Registration, Bookings and Terms of Use


Introductory visits and a free taster session can be arranged with the school office with no obligation to register.

Registration forms can be collected from the school office or by clicking here.


By completing a registration form for Treehouse, parents/carers agree to the following:


  • Bookings are available in fortnightly bocks and are only made using the School Gateway.
  • Cancellations must be made by contacting the school office before 2.30pm on the day in order to be credited back to your School Gateway account.
  • Payments for Treehouse should be paid for at the time of booking. If an outstanding balance does appear, the school reserves the right to block any further bookings until any outstanding balance is cleared.


In the unfortunate event that you know you are going to be late collecting from after school club, please call 079607 84227.


School Gateway - Paying for Treehouse


Using Treehouse will require parents to book through the School Gateway and parents/carers must make full payment before the booking is confirmed. We will not be able to take bookings in any other way, including late bookings, and no booking will be confirmed without full payment being made for all sessions booked. Any payments made which are not then used, due to absence, will be credited to the parent/carer's account.


In order to activate your School Gateway account you will need an email address and mobile number. Click here to access the School Gateway website. Select ‘New User’ and enter your email address and mobile phone number. This will send you a text message with a PIN number. This is your PIN to log into the School Gateway. You can download the app if you have a smart phone for quick and easy access to the School Gateway website in order to keep up to date with your bookings and payments. We would also suggest that you put our unique Schoolcomms SMS number into your mobile (+441777322016) as this is the number you will see when you receive your Schoolcomms text messages from us.   

Additional Needs


Ordsall Primary School’s Treehouse provision is fully inclusive and open to every family at our school. Children with a particular learning difficulty, disability or health related need will be fully integrated into the setting with the professional support of our SENCO in consultation with the child’s parents/carers and any other relevant agencies e.g. health visitor, speech and language therapist, physiotherapist in order to best meet your child’s needs.
