Reading at Ordsall Primary School
At Ordsall Primary School, a maintained primary school in Nottinghamshire, we believe that reading is the foundation for all learning. It is our mission to ensure that every child can "be the best that they can be" by enabling them to "Play, Learn and Grow Together" through a rich and engaging reading curriculum.
Our Approach to Reading
We use the highly acclaimed Read, Write, Inc. phonics programme to provide our pupils with a structured and systematic approach to learning to read. This ensures that all children, regardless of their starting points, develop a strong foundation in phonics and early reading skills.
Beyond the phonics lessons, we prioritise reading throughout the day, with children enjoying a diverse range of stories and texts every day. Our classrooms are filled with a wide selection of classic and contemporary literature, allowing our pupils to explore a variety of genres and authors.
To foster a love of reading, we have daily "read and relax" sessions, where children can independently enjoy books or read with a friend. This dedicated time allows our pupils to practice their reading skills in a calm and supportive environment, while also nurturing their curiosity and creativity.
Aligning with Our Vision and Values
Our approach to reading directly aligns with our school's vision and values. By ensuring that all children have the opportunity to develop their reading skills, we are enabling them to "achieve their full potential" and "experience wider opportunities beyond the school."
Our RESPECT values of Resilience, Effort, Support, Passion, Enrichment, Compassion, and Teamwork are evident in our reading curriculum. Children demonstrate resilience as they tackle new phonics sounds and words, and they show passion and effort as they immerse themselves in the stories they read. The support and compassion of our staff and peers help to build confidence and a love of reading in all our pupils.
Celebrating Reading Achievements
At Ordsall Primary School, we believe in celebrating the achievements of our pupils. Whether it's mastering a new phonics skill, reading a challenging book, or sharing a favourite story with the class, we recognise and applaud the hard work and progress of our young readers.
By fostering a culture of reading and recognising the efforts of our pupils, we are helping them to "inspire others and celebrate every achievement" - key elements of our school's vision for growth and development.
100 fiction books to read before your child leaves primary school
The National Association for the teaching of English ran a survey to find teachers' top 100 fiction books all children should read before leaving primary school. Here are the results:
Reading at home
- Every pupil will have access to reading books for use at home.
- Try to hear your child read as often as possible – 5 to 10 minutes each time would be ideal.
- If appropriate, talk about the pictures and story and ask your child to tell you what he/she has been reading about and to predict what might happen next.
- Let your child try to work out an unknown word but don’t let them struggle – reading should be enjoyable.
- If your child is a fluent reader, encourage them to read independently in a quiet place but do ask them questions and discuss the book with them.
- Encourage your child to read as many different kinds of text as possible, including newspapers, magazines, comics, leaflets, road signs, letters etc.
- Use your child’s planner to record your child’s reading at home and leave a positive and encouraging comment. Keep it with their reading book and make sure both are brought to school each day.
There are plenty of resources available to help you help your child to read. You may find the following links useful…
Read Write Inc – Information for parents
A series of information and tutorial videos explaining the basics of Read Write Inc. Phonics. If your child is learning to read with our programme, these videos will help you support them at home.
Libraries are far more dynamic than they used to be. Visit Retford Library at 16 Churchgate, Retford and discover what it has to offer.
There are 250 free eBooks for you to share with your child as well as simple ideas, top tips, activities and games to help your child with their reading at home.